Saturday 20 August 2016

किल्ले प्रचीतगड (Prachitgad Fort)

Prachitgad, Picnic Plans

संगमेश्वर तालुक्याच्या शृंगारपूर या ऐतिहासिक गावाजवळ प्रचितगड आहे. या गडावर सह्याद्री पर्वतामधून वाट काढत जायचे म्हणजे बिकट परिस्थितीची व अनेक संकटांची प्रचिती घ्यावी लागते.
गडावर जाण्याच्या वाटा

* शृंगारपूर गावामधून साडेचार तासांची अवघड चढण पार केल्यावर प्रचितगडावर पोहोचता येते.
* कंधारडोह येथून तीन तासांचे अंतर चालून गेल्यानंतर संगमेश्वर तालुक्यातील सह्याद्रीचा मुकुटमणी असलेल्या प्रचितगडावर पोहोचता येते.
* नेरदवाडी येथून किमान सहा तासांची पायपीट करावी लागते. नेरदवाडीतून तीन तासांचे अंतर मळेघाटमार्गे पार केल्यावर सातारा जिल्ह्याची हद्द लागते.
सातारा जिल्ह्याच्या हद्दीतून मार्गक्रमण करीत कंधार या प्रसिद्ध डोहावर जावे लागते. कंधार डोहाची छायाचित्रे व माहिती इंटरनेटवर असल्याने देशाच्या विविध राज्यांतून असंख्य तरुण पर्यटक हा प्रसिद्ध डोह पाहण्यासाठी येतात.

महत्वाची सुचना
चांदोली अभयारण्यातून वाट काढत जाण्यासाठी सोबत वाटाडे असणे महत्त्वाचे आहे. प्रचितगडावर चार तोफा व पडिक वास्तू असून येथील कातळाच्या तळघरात असणारे थंडगार पाणी म्हणजे निसर्गाचा एक चमत्कारच म्हटले पाहिजे.

किल्ले प्रचीतगड, महाराष्ट्रातील किल्ले ,प्रचीतगड ,वनदुर्ग

Prachitgad (also known as Uchitgad) is a fort in the Sahyadri mountain range in Maharashtra state, India. It covers an area of 5 acres (20,000 m2).

Location:-It is located at 17°13′34″N 73°41′25″ECoordinates: 17°13′34″N 73°41′25″E on the western edge of Chandoli National Park in Ratnagiri district at Shringarpur. The closest city is Sangameshwar which is approximately 22 km away. The place is accessible only by foot from Shringarpur near sangmeshwar which is a 5 to 8 hour climb and trek through treacherous terrain or from chandoli dam which is a 14- to 15-hour walk through the forest.

History :- It is not known who built the Prachitgad fort, but its masonry suggests that it was built during the Muslim rule (16th century). The Maratha king Shivaji captured the fort in 1660s, and repaired it.

It was ruled by Suryajirao Surve. His divan Shirke betrayed him which led Shivaji Maharaj to win this fort in 1660. The battle was led by Tanaji Malusare with 1000 soldiers. Suryajirao Surve had only 150 soldiers as Shirke - divan had purposely sent all soldiers for farming. After winning this fort Surves were staying in Kumbharkhani and Shirkes were allowed to manage Peachitgad activities. Lateron Sambhaji Maharaj were staying there. Today Jadhavs and Mhaskes are staying there.

After Sambhaji Maharaj It does not appear in historical records as the site of any notable event until 1817, when it was captured by Chitursingh, the younger brother of the Raja of Satara. On 10 June 1818, the fort was captured by a British East India Company force led by Colonel Cunningham. By 1862, the fort was in ruins, and had been deserted.
Places to visit
Being in the Chandoli National park Prachitgad is studded with beautiful spots. Two main spots being Sada and Kandhar Doh. Sada is the formation made up of frozen lava. Kanddhar Doh is the water fall on the river Warana.
There is old Bhairav Bhawani temple at Prachitgad
Ancient Sun temple called as Karneshwar near Sangameshwar
also check :

Shri Kondeshwar(कोंडेश्‍वर) Temple & Waterfalls Badlapur,Thane | Kondeshwar Lake - Bhoj Dam

जांभवली गावाच्या पलीकडे कुंडली नदीच्या उगमापाशी कोंडेश्‍वर महादेवाचे देऊळ आहे. तीनही बाजूंनी उंचावलेल्या डोंगरात पाण्याच्या नैसर्गिक कुंडापाशी महादेवाचे देऊळ आहे. कोंडेश्‍वराच्या गाभार्‍यात देवाचा पंचमुखी मुखवटा आहे. बाहेर जुन्या काळातील उंच दीपमाळ आहे. आवारात जुनी शिल्पे आहेत.

मंदिराच्या समोरच्या कड्यावर गेल्यावर खाली कोकणकडा व सह्याद्रीच्या रांगांचे सुंदर दृश्य पहायला मिळते.

टीप - पुण्याहून लोणावळ्याला डांबरी रस्त्याने जाताना कान्हे रेल्वे स्टेशनच्या अलीकडे कान्हे फाटा लागतो. तेथून वडेश्वर धरणाकडे रस्ता जातो.

Kondeshwar is a small picnic spot near Badlapur town in Thane District. There is a lake named Kondeshwar Lake which is formed by Bhoj Dam. The Kondeshwar Temple is situated near the Kondeshwar Waterfalls

The Kondeshwar Temple waterfall is barricaded so that there is no entry for swimmers in the dangerous section of waterfall. This waterfall is notorious for high death rates. Hence there are police officers guarding the entry of people. No one should cross the fence and go on other side. The downside of fence is safe unless until there is no flash floods.

The small temples of Kondeshwar are submerged during monsoon and inaccessible as seen below. During very heavy rain the temple is fully submerged and the area is closed.

This the dangerous section of Kondeshwar waterfall which reported many deaths. Though it looks deceiving as it does not has much height but there are rocks hidden below and have very strong downpull.

There are many waterfalls around Kondeshwar Temple. Many rivers come down to the temple through the top of the hills. Along its way many people have fun

Location :- Kondeshwar is situated near the high hills of Badlapur. Chanderi Fort, Tavli Peaks are all nearby and can be seen. Kondeshwar is situated at its base. Below is the high hill range.
Kondeshwar is accessible via road. Nearest station is Badlapur East. One can hire a auto till Kondeshwar temple at a price of 50Rs per person. Go in groups as they take only when the vehicle is full i:e 5 people per vehicle. One can also take their private vehicle.
No bus service is there. Private buses go upto a certain point after which walking is necessary.
Below picture is the entry point of Kondeshwar. It is a narrow road with parking problems during peak time like Sunday. There are small stalls selling water, some cold drinks, maize and biscuits.

Sunday is the peak time where many people come. The area is in a mess with plastic plates and broken glasses of alcohol. People come here to drink and eat as a picnic but leave all wastes behind. Some times the drunk people engage in fight too. This is polluting the area and environment. Whole area is litter with wastes. PLEASE ENJOY BUT DO NOT LEAVE ANY WASTES BEHIND. KEEP NATURE CLEAN.

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Friday 19 August 2016

The Kanheri Caves

The Kanheri Caves (Sanskrit: कान्हेरीगुहाः Kānherī-guhāḥ) constitute a group of rock-cut monuments that are located to the north of Borivali on the western outskirts of Mumbai, the capital city of Indian State of Maharashtra. Located within the forests of the Sanjay Gandhi National Park, the caves are 6 km from the main gate and 7 km from Borivali Station. Tourists can enter after 9:00 a.m. The Kanheri Caves demonstrate the Buddhist influence on the art and culture of India. Kanheri comes from the Sanskrit Krishnagiri, which means black mountain.They were chiseled out of a massive basaltic rock outcropping

Description - These caves date from the first century BCE to the 10th century CE. One hundred and nine caves have been carved from the basalt. Unlike the elegant splendor of the adjacent Elephanta Caves, the earlier cells are spartan and unadorned. Each cave has a stone plinth for a bed. A congregation hall with huge stone pillars contains the stupa, a Buddhist shrine. Farther up the hill are canals and cisterns, the remains of an ancient system that channeled rainwater into huge tanks.Once the caves were converted to permanent monasteries, the rock was carved with intricate reliefs of Buddha and the Bodhisattvas. Kanheri had become an important Buddhist settlement on the Konkan coast by the 3rd century CE.

Most of the caves are used as the Buddhist viharas, meant for living, studying, and meditating. The larger caves were chaityas, or halls for congregational worship; are lined with intricately carved Buddhist sculptures, reliefs and pillars; and contain rock-cut stupas for congregational worship. The Avalokiteshwara is the most distinctive figure. The large number of viharas demonstrates the well organized establishment of Buddhist monks. This establishment was also connected with many trade centers, such as the ports of Sopara, Kalyan, Nasik, Paithan and Ujjain. Kanheri was a University center by the time the area was under the rule of the Maurayan and Kushan empires. In the late 10th century, the Buddhist teacher Atisha (980–1054) came to the Krishnagiri Vihara to study Buddhist meditation under Rahulagupta

Paintings in the caves :-
Cave number 34 has unfinished paintings of Buddha on the ceiling of the cave.

Location :-The caves are located deep inside Sanjay Gandhi National Park. Bus transport is available every hour. Visitors must pay entry fees at the park gate and at the cave entrance.

The Kanheri Caves

The Kanheri Caves (Sanskrit: कान्हेरीगुहाः Kānherī-guhāḥ) constitute a group of rock-cut monuments that are located to the north of Borivali on the western outskirts of Mumbai, the capital city of Indian State of Maharashtra. Located within the forests of the Sanjay Gandhi National Park, the caves are 6 km from the main gate and 7 km from Borivali Station. Tourists can enter after 9:00 a.m. The Kanheri Caves demonstrate the Buddhist influence on the art and culture of India. Kanheri comes from the Sanskrit Krishnagiri, which means black mountain.They were chiseled out of a massive basaltic rock outcropping

Description - These caves date from the first century BCE to the 10th century CE. One hundred and nine caves have been carved from the basalt. Unlike the elegant splendor of the adjacent Elephanta Caves, the earlier cells are spartan and unadorned. Each cave has a stone plinth for a bed. A congregation hall with huge stone pillars contains the stupa, a Buddhist shrine. Farther up the hill are canals and cisterns, the remains of an ancient system that channeled rainwater into huge tanks.Once the caves were converted to permanent monasteries, the rock was carved with intricate reliefs of Buddha and the Bodhisattvas. Kanheri had become an important Buddhist settlement on the Konkan coast by the 3rd century CE.

Most of the caves are used as the Buddhist viharas, meant for living, studying, and meditating. The larger caves were chaityas, or halls for congregational worship; are lined with intricately carved Buddhist sculptures, reliefs and pillars; and contain rock-cut stupas for congregational worship. The Avalokiteshwara is the most distinctive figure. The large number of viharas demonstrates the well organized establishment of Buddhist monks. This establishment was also connected with many trade centers, such as the ports of Sopara, Kalyan, Nasik, Paithan and Ujjain. Kanheri was a University center by the time the area was under the rule of the Maurayan and Kushan empires. In the late 10th century, the Buddhist teacher Atisha (980–1054) came to the Krishnagiri Vihara to study Buddhist meditation under Rahulagupta

Paintings in the caves :-
Cave number 34 has unfinished paintings of Buddha on the ceiling of the cave.

Location :-The caves are located deep inside Sanjay Gandhi National Park. Bus transport is available every hour. Visitors must pay entry fees at the park gate and at the cave entrance.