Saturday 20 August 2016

किल्ले प्रचीतगड (Prachitgad Fort)

Prachitgad, Picnic Plans

संगमेश्वर तालुक्याच्या शृंगारपूर या ऐतिहासिक गावाजवळ प्रचितगड आहे. या गडावर सह्याद्री पर्वतामधून वाट काढत जायचे म्हणजे बिकट परिस्थितीची व अनेक संकटांची प्रचिती घ्यावी लागते.
गडावर जाण्याच्या वाटा

* शृंगारपूर गावामधून साडेचार तासांची अवघड चढण पार केल्यावर प्रचितगडावर पोहोचता येते.
* कंधारडोह येथून तीन तासांचे अंतर चालून गेल्यानंतर संगमेश्वर तालुक्यातील सह्याद्रीचा मुकुटमणी असलेल्या प्रचितगडावर पोहोचता येते.
* नेरदवाडी येथून किमान सहा तासांची पायपीट करावी लागते. नेरदवाडीतून तीन तासांचे अंतर मळेघाटमार्गे पार केल्यावर सातारा जिल्ह्याची हद्द लागते.
सातारा जिल्ह्याच्या हद्दीतून मार्गक्रमण करीत कंधार या प्रसिद्ध डोहावर जावे लागते. कंधार डोहाची छायाचित्रे व माहिती इंटरनेटवर असल्याने देशाच्या विविध राज्यांतून असंख्य तरुण पर्यटक हा प्रसिद्ध डोह पाहण्यासाठी येतात.

महत्वाची सुचना
चांदोली अभयारण्यातून वाट काढत जाण्यासाठी सोबत वाटाडे असणे महत्त्वाचे आहे. प्रचितगडावर चार तोफा व पडिक वास्तू असून येथील कातळाच्या तळघरात असणारे थंडगार पाणी म्हणजे निसर्गाचा एक चमत्कारच म्हटले पाहिजे.

किल्ले प्रचीतगड, महाराष्ट्रातील किल्ले ,प्रचीतगड ,वनदुर्ग

Prachitgad (also known as Uchitgad) is a fort in the Sahyadri mountain range in Maharashtra state, India. It covers an area of 5 acres (20,000 m2).

Location:-It is located at 17°13′34″N 73°41′25″ECoordinates: 17°13′34″N 73°41′25″E on the western edge of Chandoli National Park in Ratnagiri district at Shringarpur. The closest city is Sangameshwar which is approximately 22 km away. The place is accessible only by foot from Shringarpur near sangmeshwar which is a 5 to 8 hour climb and trek through treacherous terrain or from chandoli dam which is a 14- to 15-hour walk through the forest.

History :- It is not known who built the Prachitgad fort, but its masonry suggests that it was built during the Muslim rule (16th century). The Maratha king Shivaji captured the fort in 1660s, and repaired it.

It was ruled by Suryajirao Surve. His divan Shirke betrayed him which led Shivaji Maharaj to win this fort in 1660. The battle was led by Tanaji Malusare with 1000 soldiers. Suryajirao Surve had only 150 soldiers as Shirke - divan had purposely sent all soldiers for farming. After winning this fort Surves were staying in Kumbharkhani and Shirkes were allowed to manage Peachitgad activities. Lateron Sambhaji Maharaj were staying there. Today Jadhavs and Mhaskes are staying there.

After Sambhaji Maharaj It does not appear in historical records as the site of any notable event until 1817, when it was captured by Chitursingh, the younger brother of the Raja of Satara. On 10 June 1818, the fort was captured by a British East India Company force led by Colonel Cunningham. By 1862, the fort was in ruins, and had been deserted.
Places to visit
Being in the Chandoli National park Prachitgad is studded with beautiful spots. Two main spots being Sada and Kandhar Doh. Sada is the formation made up of frozen lava. Kanddhar Doh is the water fall on the river Warana.
There is old Bhairav Bhawani temple at Prachitgad
Ancient Sun temple called as Karneshwar near Sangameshwar
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